4 dicembre 2024
IS MADURO BECOMING AND INTERNATIONAL THREAT? HE CAME SEEKING FOR POLITICAL ASYLUM. INSTEAD, HE FOUND DEATH. Who killed Lieutenant Ojeda? EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. Purpose: Telling and analyzing the story of the assassination of an Ex Venezuelan Army officer in Santiago, Chile. Content: An ex-Venezuelan Army Officer was kidnapped and murdered in Chile’s capital city, Santiago. After months of investigation, all indicates that this was a political action orchestrated within Maduro’s Venezuelan dictatorship but there is not yet enough evidence to make a formal accusation. This action strains the relationship between the Chilean and Venezuelan Govt. Both presidents are leftists but Maduro is a dictator whereas Boric was democratically elected. This article was made by conducting OSINT and covers all facts known so far with a final analysis of its outcome and consequences. FACTS: Ex-Venezuelan Army Lieutenant Ronald Leandro Ojeda Moreno escaped from his country with his family to seek political asylum in Chile after being kidnapped and tortured by the DGCIM, the General Directorate of Military Counterintelligence of Venezuela. Having been accused of conspiring against Maduro’s regime and treason he was subjected to all kinds of physical and psychological violence for several weeks. While in detention at “Ramo Verde Military Jail”, his wife gave birth to their first child. At the end of the imprisonment he was forced to sign a document where he stated that he was questioned from his own will and that he was not subject to cruelty. He had entered the military academy convinced to serve the country he loved but, instead of finding military training he found himself amidst political indoctrination to give his life for dictator Hugo Chavez is so needed. He wanted to be an Army Officer but they wanted to turn him into a political fanatic. Even so, he kept there to follow his military vocation with his patriotic feelings untouched. Ojeda was a man devoted to his family so in order to sustain a living he tried to find different jobs, but being a soldier and from Venezuela it was difficult for him to find a place where to earn a decent salary in Chile so he worked as a delivery man, initiated an ice cream business with his wife but anyhow, income was not enough so they had economic uncertainty all along. But his mind never left Venezuela because his Military Academy classmates were in jail and he suffered for their fate. That is loyalty. One of the most important characteristics any soldier must have. Another kind of man might have surrendered to these odds but he was not that kind of man. When someone escapes from a threat like this they try to maintain a low profile not to be found. But not him. On November, 2022 he went to the front of the Chilean Presidential Palace, and there, in the middle of the square, he knelt and began protesting against the negotiations that were taking place in Mexico between the Venezuelan opposition and the Chavist regime. He lifted a cardboard post that told to free the prisoners in Venezuela. Pictures show him with a black bag covering his head with the initials of DGCIM painted on it. He was restless but also made a mistake. Without informing Chilean authorities he traveled to Cúcuta in Colombia, close to the Venezuelan border. An audio extracted from his mobile stated that he met Captain Ányelo Heredia to plan an operation, called “Brazalete Blanco”, to overthrow Nicolas Maduro, but his agents spotted the meeting, actioned, and captured Captain Heredia. Lt. Ojeda managed to escape. Colombian Caracol tv channel informed that in his capture Maduro´s agents were supported by the ELN, Ejército de Liberación Nacional, the Colombian guerrillas that are still fighting against Colombia with the protection of the Venezuelan government. Ojeda was in Santiago, safe, more than 7.000 kmts. away from his endangered country but he exposed much more than necessary crossing the whole continent to put himself at gun distance to be shot. If he hadn’t made this trip perhaps nothing would had happened but the trip demonstrated that he was not laying low but was actively engaged in overthrowing Maduro. So, he made a target of himself. After hiding for two months along the border he was able to come back to Chile. Knowing of the danger impending on him and his family they tried to gather the documents to travel to Spain where one of his brothers lives. Still, after five years of red tape, the Chilean state declared him under political asylum at the end of 2023. All went down on the night of February 21st., 2024, at 3:15 am, when a four-man team disguised as Chilean Investigations Police (PDI) who even had PDI credentials, kidnapped him from his apartment, dressed only in his underwear. He opposed no force as his family was threatened at gunpoint. In the videos of the CCTV cameras released by the media, a trained eye can spot two things. First, Ojeda was not afraid at all. His face and eyes show that he is impressed trying to understand what is going on, but not afraid. The only thing I am sad about is that he is completely submitted with no chance to escape. His arms are handcuffed behind his back. He looks like a thin confused white match unable to move in the arms of his captors. Second. The body movements of his kidnappers reveal that they were not PDI officers. The way they move, submit him, an agent with a mobile in his hand and taking him out only in his underwear show the behaviour of other kinds of people, but not policemen. The man that has him passed his arm behind his neck and is choking his throat, whereas the Police procedure is passing an arm below the detainee's arm pushing him with his hand forcing him to advance with his head down. Besides, Ojeda is already handcuffed so the “agent” does not need to choke him by the throat. When this happens, the Police just move him forward with one hand on his back and the other taking his arms but not choking him. And finally, no Police officer in Chile takes somebody into detention without clothes. It’s against the law. So, the perpetrators were seasoned criminals but still, they left clues, and no professional does that indicating exactly that they were not well-trained covert operators but another type of people. So, this is the detail on how a member of Movimiento por la Libertad y por la Democracia. (Movement from Freedom and Democracy) was kidnapped in Chile’s capital city, Santiago. At the parking lot, they put him in front of car lights and took pictures of him. Something that is not in PDI procedures but in organized crime gangs is. This gives another clue as the photos are normally sent to the leader to show they attained the objective. After the photos, he disappears from the CCTV cameras not to be seen alive again. The real Police appear at his home and an immediate search warrant is issued all along the country to find him. More clues: days begin to pass but no group claims the action and worst, no one calls for some kind of ransom indicating to the Police that this is not a “normal” kidnapping. There are other reasons behind it but they still don’t know what. It seems somebody didn’t read his report well where could have found that Ojeda was a political refugee making the police generate other hypotheses but that info seems not to have been spread. Acknowledging his asylee status, from the President down to all the Police forces searched everywhere trying to find him or at least some clues, but nothing. Ojeda is nowhere to be found. Senator Francisco Chahuan declares that this is a “serious matter”. The President orders to reinforce border controls. Like all kidnapping cases, the investigation is classified as Confidential and PDI’s Anti-Kidnapping Brigade (BIPE) is already in action. Soldiers, policemen, officers from whatever army feel like comrades in arms so PDI was not looking for some strange Venezuelan fellow. They were searching for a comrade. The Chilean newspaper La Tercera explains that, quote: “Ojeda is one of the 33 soldiers who were expelled from the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) on charges of conspiracy on January 24th., as announced by Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino.” End of quote. The investigation is led by Prosecutor Hector Barrios who coordinates the Organized Crime and Homicide Team (ECOH) a judiciary unit created due to the unseen rise in homicides in Chile. PDI is highly skilled in Intel so they finally found a clue and followed it and found him, but 9 days too late. The dismembered corpse of the 32-year-old Lieutenant is found in a field, inside a suitcase, covered in lime buried one and a half meters under the ground below a concrete slab with clear signs of having been tortured. Reason of death: traction asphyxia. Only then did the reason for the kidnapping appear. It was not about money. They just wanted to kill him from the very beginning and “normal” criminals don’t do anything unless there is money in between. So, these were killers, not simple criminals and the money they expected to obtain had to come from other sources but not from Lt. Ojeda’s pockets. The same February 21st., Ivan Simonovis, former Venezuelan Security Secretary also a former political detainee for 19 years declares on his Socials that DGCIM agents infiltrated into Chilean territory to carry out the operation. He states that Alexander Enrique Granko Arteaga, aka “Barba”, Lt. Colonel of Guardia Nacional Venezolana planned the action. Granko is an officer who graduated from Guardia Nacional Bolivariana, in 2003 within the best-qualified students of his generation. A UN Commission stated that Granko, when commanding DAE (Special Affairs Division) department dependent on DGCIM, was responsible for tortures and also led the killings known as “El Junquito Massacre” where 7 people were murdered on January 15th. 2018. But his UN record also includes 130 crimes including torture and sexual abuse amongst other charges while leading DAE and witnesses declare that he, in person participated in the tortures at “Boleíta detention center” not even hiding his face. The accusations are so many that they deserve another full article. It is interesting to know that Granko belonged to Hugo Chavez's Presidential Honour Guard for three years when he became a friend of Iván Hernández Gala (also accused by the UN) then director of DGCIM. It must be noted that to be part of a Guard like this a thorough screening had to be conducted on the applicants to determine that they were complete revolutionary officers meaning that Granko was that kind of fanatic. For his crimes, he has received international sanctions from, at least, two countries and the European Union. Maurizio Stefanini states in his article that Simonovis believes that the regime could have “hired” El Tren de Aragua to perform the operation. This is the first mention of this possibility. If you don’t know, El Tren de Aragua is the most murderous criminal org. in the Americas. Led by, aka “El Niño Guerrero” they have operations from the southern USA states down to the city of Puerto Montt in Chile. The same day Human Rights activist lawyer Tamara Sujú, Delegate of the International Penal Court posts on her X account that the kidnapping was allegedly carried out by members of DGCIM but wrongly and without proofs, says that Ojeda might already be in Venezuelan territory when in fact he was still missing. Miss Sujú knows her business has she has been repeatedly harassed and threatened by Maduro’s Govt. and perhaps the only reason she can walk on Venezuelan streets is that she is also a Spanish citizen and Maduro might be strong enough to handle Latin American leaders but doesn’t dare to confront a European country. A pain point that can be added to his profile. Venezuelan opposition in the form of Plataforma Unitaria Democratca, PUD, requested the Chilean Govt. to punish the perpetrators through their account on X. Insightcrime states, quote” Ojeda had not received any threats from organized crime groups prior to the kidnapping, but had felt he was in danger due to his status as a refugee, the lawyer of Ojeda’s wife, Juan Carlos Manríquez, told. The former first lieutenant believed “the regime was hunting him,” his brother told Chilean news site La Tercera.”. End of quote. Insightcrime also indicates that this operation was carefully planned and explains in detail all the previous activities they conducted to perform the crime blaming directly the operation was made by El Tren de Aragua as also exposing that to do such a thing a “leader” must have been in place to ensure the operation’s success that could have been “El Gordo Ale” that will be mentioned later. This should be the second international “political” activity made by this criminal org. the first being the May 2022 assassination of Paraguayan prosecutor Marcelo Pecci in Colombia. And in Maduro´s case this would be the only political action outside his territory or what could be worst, “the first one”. If in Chile it worked, he can decide to do it again in the same or other countries as nothing links him directly and he denials everything and no govt. can’t make anything until has real evidence of this link. Days later PDI intel is able to identify three men of the four that carried out the action. Two of them belong to “El Tren de Aragua”. This is first official indication of this possibility. One is Maickel David Villegas Rodríguez, Venezuelan, 27 years old, the other is identified as Walter Rodríguez, former member of the Venezuelan Govt. Arrived from Venezuela, a man nicknamed “El Gordo Ale” led the operation. Ex-Venezuelan Army officers in exile are convinced that he is an officer from DGCIM, the same org. that tortured Ojeda in his country. The Chilean government requests the support of the Venezuelan authorities to seek these guys, but in Caracas no finger is moved to help the Chilean efforts. They only say of having nothing to do with the action. Apart from that, just silence. The dictator just doesn’t care even if that means diplomatic confrontations because at Maduro´s eyes everyone, meaning all the Latin American presidents, are only scoundrels serving US interests. If it were for him, he would smash them all under his shoes like vulgar cockroaches and Chilean president Gabriel Boric is no more than an unexperienced puppet to the point that the second strongman in Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, mocks on tv calling him “el merluzo.” A nickname that Chileans no longer use because we respect our Presidents no matter their political orientation. On March 4th., the Prosecutor declared that he was convinced that the criminals had already left the country. Villegas was spotted in the city of Arica, only 20 minutes away from the Peruvian border, but the Police couldn’t catch him so escaping three days after the action. So he certainly disappeared to Peru and for this kind of action this is the standard procedure so it is the most feasible hypothesis that also indicates a political reason. Prosecutor Hector Barrios said that Villegas made surveillance over Ojeda’s home before the action and provided cover for the other perpetrators. On March 6th. Chilean Home Minister, Carolina Tohá declares that an Interpol detention order was issued against Maickel Villegas. His identification was found from a fingerprint on a mobile phone. But later it was known that by a lack of coordination, Villegas was issued a work permit on March 26th. That document contained the info of his address, phone number and email but it also known that he was handed his Residence Permit (that allowed him to exit the country) and temporary ID Card. All this indicates that the screening of immigrants is not working as most of them enter by illegal crossings from Peru and Bolivia so we have thousands of illegal immigrants walking on Chilean streets with no ID or criminal record whatsoever. This is a weakness that several Chilean Govts. have been unable to address despite all the efforts made. The family of Lt. Ojeda no longer feels safe in Chile and flees to Argentina where President Javier Milei wastes no time in giving them political asylum. This is a serious setback for the Chilean govt. as it shows it was unable to protect a person in an asylum situation. This is no surprise as the Chilean Govt. is made up of a group of young inexperienced mates that don’t even know what asylum means. Deputy Tomás de Rementería, president of the Foreign Affairs Commission at Congress is the first person in the country to hint that this could be a foreign intelligence operation of serious concern for violating Chilean sovereignty requesting the Govt. if they had taken any contact with the Venezuelan Govt. thus, indicating the possibility of direct responsibility of Maduro’s regime. The only detainee for this case so far was a 17-year-old Venezuelan citizen that, according to the searches, was only the driver and had not much to tell. He is in an illegal immigration condition that on the previous October was sentenced to 5 years in prison. Mario Zamora, Security Ministre of Costa Rica, says in a video, mentioned by AP agency, that Ojeda was murdered for his campaign of opposition against the Venezuelan dictatorship. Venezuelan Judiciary Chief Tarek William Saab, perhaps the third most important person of the regime, without presenting any proof states that the crime is a false flag operation forged by Chilean and foreign intelligence orgs. with spurious interests and rejected any possibility of extraditing the suspects if detained. On April 12th., tension escalated when Prosecutor Hector Barros stated that the kidnapping and murder of Ojeda were organized in Venezuela and political reasons were the only plausible reasons for this crime, also saying that Villegas and Rodriguez were in that territory expecting the assistance of that Govt. Days later the Prosecutor reinforces his statement. But, Maduro, once again, moves no finger about this and Diosdado Cabello, ridicules the whole affair on Venezuelan tv. Still, the Chilean President makes no statement regarding the lack of cooperation from the Venezuelan Govt. However, one day surprising the whole country, President Boric stated that Venezuela is a dictatorship and Maduro should go away. All the spectrum of the political world backs the President except for, who else? The Communist Party. On July 5th. suspect Maickel Villegas is captured when trying to enter Costa Rica from Panama through Paso Canoas border crossing becoming the second detainee for this case having traveled many Latin American countries despite having a Red Alert Interpol warning. Other sources say that the detention took place on July 12th. But anyway Villegas was extradited on July 19th. him being handled to the Chilean Police at the Costa Rican airport from where he was taken by a Chilean Air Force plane. His first appearance in court is at the formalization of the charges hearing but no new info comes out from the proceeding and if he told new info we still don’t know as the investigation remains Secret. Thanks to the new measures agreed by several Latin American countries’ Polices the extradition takes only 14 days. At the time of this article, no new lead has been released to the media but Chilean police continue the investigation. That’s for sure not only for the murder in itself but also for the violation of Chilean national sovereignty. A statement, allegedly from the Prosecution Office, said that the crime was orchestrated in Venezuela but so far no evidence has been produced to support or reject that conclusion. If times come to accuse Maduro’s government to be behind it, the person has to be careful and have very good intel as this will damage the relationship between the two countries. Maduro will not care about this but the Chileans will as we have the immigration problem and many people are being expelled and if he doesn’t assist with this, Chile will not be able to conduct these deportations. On the previous month of March, Home Minster Carolina Tohá stated that there are more than 20.000 foreign nationals awaiting expulsion. Something on a scale no Chilean Govt. has faced before considering also that the process of deportation of one single deportee costs 4.180 US dollars. A humongous cost due to the great amount people involved and that without Maduro’s agreement will be impossible to perform. The Chilean Govt. has its hands tied so it needs to maintain a low profile on its discrepancies with the Venezuelan Govt. Or Justice for Ojeda or the stop of deportations. President Boric has to make the choice of what is more important for Chilean interests and his choice becomes evident as he refrains from blaming Maduro again. The immigration crisis grows larger day after day so he can’t afford to lose the initiative on this matter as the population is already beginning to see the bad results of late President Michelle Bachelet open arms policy and becoming hostile to immigrants. Bachelet declaration indicates no country but the Foreign Minister says she was talking about Syrian refugees not mentioning Venezuelans in any part of her speech. Chileans begin to protest against indiscriminate immigration because it comes along with an increase in crime and occupying public spaces to stay. Northern cities have their parks, squares and beaches full of tents and fights begin. The sanitary conditions of immigrants are the worst that can be thought of. Having no toilets or baths people begin to step on Venezuelan shit and can’t use their public spaces. For the first time in history, UN gets involved concerned by the migrants’ situation with the doubt if they are being treated right. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) visits Chile to assess the migrant situation. The result is fine for the Chilean Govt. although it had no previous experience with such large displacements. Until then this kind of problem happened in Europe but no one foresaw this could happen in Chile and the country hasn’t got the budget a more developed nation has so it becomes difficult to afford the situation and if he doesn’t do it right it could be accused of violating the refugees’ human rights. And a leftist govt. cannot afford to be declared that way. The citizens of the city of Iquique hit the street protesting to say they are fed up with the problem immigration brings and the protest finishes with the protesters attacking their dwellings and burning their tents. Chileans have never been xenophobic. Thousands of immigrants have come to live in Chile since the XIX century but this invasion is unprecedented not only because of the big scale of it but also because of the bad consequences it brings. President Boric cannot remain silent on this. Citizens are protesting and he is to blame so he has to show that he is doing something even if he is not doing anything but he doesn’t accuse Maduro’s Govt. again. This part of the article might not be ordered in chronological order but this is the situation the Chilean Govt. is facing. Difficult choice for the President. What is more important? Maintaining internal order or diplomatic relations with a dictator to solve the same issue? The murder of Lt. Ojeda can’t be overseen but it cannot cause a diplomatic breakdown with Maduro. Hands tied again. The Police continue with the investigation but the Govt. makes no other statement against the Caribbean fellow. Chilean Intelligence Agency (ANI) is completely out of this matter as it always is. In the 20 years of its creation, it has never shown any results. On July 11th., 2024, Venezuelan Main Prosecutor, Tarek William Saab, requested the government of Costa Rica to receive one of his delegations in order to interview detained suspect Maickel Villegas in moments when the Chilean Govt. had already requested his extradition. He says that the intention is to warn international opinion about the Chilean Govt. manipulating the suspect’s statements on the basis of false positives to keep using them as a false flag operation against Venezuela. Once again he declares, without any proof that Chilean Intelligence is behind the murder. Chilean Foreign Ministre Alberto Van Klaveren mentions that he expects the assistance of the Venezuelan authorities but Govt. Spokeswoman, Camilla Vallejo says so far they have received no help from them. President Boric calls back the Chilean Ambassador in Venezuela, Jaime Gazmuri, for consultations after a new exchange of words with Maduro’s regime pushed by the declarations of Venezuelan Chancellor Yván Gil, that said the El Tren de Aragua is non-existent. A ridiculous affirmation after their presence has been detected in all Latin American countries. Even more strange after Maduro himself said he had defeated that criminal org. On May 29th., 2024 at the request of the Venezuelan Main Prosecutor Tarek Saab, a delegation from the Venezuelan Government arrives in Santiago with the intention of meeting with the Prosecutor in charge of the cause, Hector Barrios, with PDI Investigations Team and visiting the only detainee so far. The delegation is made up of the Venezuelan General Director of Common Crimes Ángel Fuenmayor and the Director of International Affairs Álvaro Cabrera. But the Chilean General Prosecutors says he has no space in his agenda to receive them and the Vice Home Minister Manuel Monsalve says he would have preferred to be advised with more advance also indicating that the search is in Secret conditions so they would not be given any information. In other words, the Chilean Govt. is upset by this visit, and the delegates are not received anywhere having to return empty-handed. It is obvious that the Chilean Govt. thinks that is an unacceptable intromission in Chilean Justice above all after seeing no help from Venezuela. At the time I finish this article, there are only two detainees on this cause. The 17-year-old, I-don’t-know-anything and Mickael Villegas. Walter Rodriguez it’s still at large and no more suspects have been identified. The Prosecutor and PDI continue the investigation but it is still Secret so no information has come out yet. ANALYSYS. Of the Facts. 1. Lt. Ojeda was an active oppositor to Maduro’s regime being involved in direct actions to reach his objective. 2. The Chilean Govt. did not protect him as needed and this allowed the “operation” to be carried out successfully and with shocking ease. 3. The objective of the perpetrators was his assassination and no other. 4. As indicated by Insightcrime, the action included all the previous necessary preparations to commit the crime such as surveillance, reconnaissance, equipment, disguise, planning, route studies, organization, execution, and final spread and disappearance of the perpetrators. El Tren de Aragua is a criminal org. without military or intel training as far as I know. From this, I can assume the action was planned and led by somebody who had this kind of training to conduct the operation successfully so whomever he was he didn’t belong to this org. According to the info, it can be assumed that was the one nicknamed “El Gordo Ale” that according to Venezuelan exiles is a member of the dictatorship’s DGICM. He came to Chile only to lead the operation and left the country as soon as it was completed. 5. The Prosecutor's final mention about this was that it was orchestrated in Venezuela for political purposes without providing evidence yet. After that, he has not mentioned the case as it remains in a Secret condition and the media or public opinion has had no access to the investigations. 6. The Venezuelan govt. denies involvement. However, instead of keeping his mouth shut to end the affair, it has continued in a sort of defensive stance. The Chancellor openly lies before the media. Venezuelan Main Prosecutor, Tarek William Saab shoots flares and smokescreens accusing Chilean intel to perform a false flag op. If they do so, it´s an indication they did the job but are now just trying to confuse everybody. Besides, together with denying involvement, they give no assistance or information that could help the Chilean Govt. Even more, without much previous coordination they send an investigative team to get information knowing that the investigation is Secret, and trying to meet Chilean authorities thus trying to intervene in Chilean internal affairs going against the minimal diplomatic measures any civilized country has. 7. The info the Chilean govt. has it’s not enough to blame any Venezuelan authority so far and the highest info that could be reached goes up until Alexander Enrique Granko Arteaga, aka “Barba”, Lt. Colonel of Guardia Nacional Venezolana as the planner of the action. But there is no evidence that Maduro himself gave the order. It could be well possible that Lt. Col. Granko thought it was just part of his area of responsibility and performed it without informing or asking permission. But, again, there’s no evidence to sustain this. 8. If El Tren de Aragua did this, means that they opened a new area of business of international killings for whomever wants to pay whether it’s a government, a politician, or a powerful individual. Of the consequences. 1. Apart from the initial uproar it hasn’t had any internal effects within Venezuela. 2. Crimes are widespread in Chile so it looks like society put it in the always-the-same bag and carried on 3. If it's proved that this action was directly led and ordered by the Venezuelan Govt. it will be the first time Maduro’s regime makes an international operation. So far, his actions have been within Venezuelan territory but if this is true, we can assume he began operating across borders. Today, killing, perhaps next time trying to reach higher objectives. 4. If it’s proven will indicate that Maduro sees El Tren de Aragua as an ally and could be providing some sort of support. 5. El Tren de Aragua is known for not accepting mistakes not being a forgiving org. and kills all betrayers. So, the only current detainee, Mickael Villegas, whether in jail or not, can already be considered a dead-man walking as they will murder him as soon as they can. 6. The Chilean Govt. has to speed up the deportations in case it breaks diplomatic ties with Venezuela. 7. With the current evidence is possible that Chilean Justice might someday find the full facts and criminals but also, that they never will 8. Maduro didn’t open any flank with this action as he is already known as a murderous dictator and this doesn’t change that condition. So, he has no worst-case scenario. 9. But the Chilean Govt. has. Chile cannot afford to cut diplomatic relations with Venezuela due to the immigration and the high quantity of deportations it has to conduct that will stop if so happens creating a problem that will be felt by Chilean society and will have internal political consequences. And now, some final words. I wrote this article for the story not to be forgotten because I feel deeply sorry for Lt. Ojeda’s fate. I can’t forget the images of him while being kidnapped. I pity him for his fate. He wanted to be an Army Officer and so he did and loved his country and was killed trying to free his country. Today he is only a slab in a cemetery. I hope someday he will be remembered as being a patriot and, at least, they name a street after him. Lt. Ojeda, rest in peace. Lt. Ojeda wrote an 185-page journal where he states the indoctrination and tortures he received writing: “This is not a book; it’s a complaint and a warning.” By XAVIER CARDENAS To learn more I invite you follow this link: Insightecrime article: https://insightcrime.org/news/high-profile-chile-murder-shows-tren-de-aragua-sophistication/ SOURCES: 1. Chile alerts Interpol to kidnapping of former Venezuelan soldier in Santiago, by Ana Maria Sanhueza published on February 22nd., 2024 on Spanish online journal El Pais, US Edition. https://english.elpais.com/international/2024-02-22/chile-alerts-interpol-to-kidnapping-of-former-venezuelan-soldier-in-santiago.html 2. Chile says a Venezuelan fugitive has been arrested in the killing of an anti-Maduro dissident by The Associated Press published on online Canadian journal City news everywhere on July 12th., 2024. https://kitchener.citynews.ca/2024/07/12/chile-says-a-fugitive-has-been-arrested-in-the-killing-of-an-anti-maduro-dissident/ 3. Costa Rica extradita a Chile al principal sospechoso del crimen del disidente venezolano Ronald Ojeda, by Maolis Castro published at Spanish El País online journal on November 19th., 2024. https://elpais.com/chile/2024-11-20/costa-rica-extradita-a-chile-al-principal-sospechoso-del-crimen-del-disidente-venezolano-ronald-ojeda.html 4. Dissidente venezuelano ucciso in Cile, i resti in una valigia, published at Italian online journal ANSA. https://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/mondo/americalatina/2024/03/03/dissidente-venezuelano-ucciso-in-cile-i-resti-in-una-valigia_b9dac7bf-34de-4173-ba10-6e550cb55b4a.html 5. El inédito diario de torturas del teniente Ojeda published in Chilean La Tercera online newspaper on March 3rd., 2024. https://www.latercera.com/la-tercera-domingo/noticia/el-inedito-diario-de-torturas-del-teniente-ojeda/K5SBVGVINBCCZF4I43OUHYKQA4/ 6. El teniente rebelde Ronald Ojeda fue asesinado en Chile tras fracasar una operación para derrocar a Maduro, published in the online Spanish news site El Mundo on May 2nd. 2024. https://www.elmundo.es/internacional/2024/05/02/6633c7aee85ece74568b45b8.html 7. Grave negligencia: El sospechoso de matar al teniente Ojeda sacó permiso de trabajo en Chile un mes después del crimen, published in Chilean online journal Ex Ante on July 12th. 2024. https://www.ex-ante.cl/grave-negligencia-el-sospechoso-de-matar-al-teniente-ojeda-saco-rut-y-permiso-de-trabajo-en-chile-un-mes-despues-del-crimen/ 8. High-Profile Chile Murder Shows Tren de Aragua’s Sophistication by Venezuela Investigative unit published on InSight crime on March 11th. 2024. https://insightcrime.org/news/high-profile-chile-murder-shows-tren-de-aragua-sophistication/ 9. Polémico fiscal venezolano pide a Costa Rica poder entrevistar a sospechoso del asesinato del ex teniente Ronald Ojeda published in online journal La Prensa Austral on July 16th., 2024 https://laprensaaustral.cl/2024/07/16/polemico-fiscal-venezolano-pide-a-costa-rica-poder-entrevistar-a-sospechoso-del-asesinato-del-ex-teniente-ronald-ojeda/ 10. Un oppositore venezuelano esule sequestrato in Cile by Maurizio Stefanini published in Italian journal TGN, The Global News on February 27th., 2024. https://www.theglobalnews.it/2024/02/27/un-oppositore-venezuelano-esule-sequestrato-in-cile/ 11. “Se presume que fue la Dgcim”: Tamara Sujú sobre el secuestro en Chile de un exmilitar que fue preso político en Venezuela, published on the venezuelan opposition online journal Maduradas on February 21st., 2024. https://maduradas.com/se-presume-fue-la-dgcim-tamara-suju-secuestro-chile-exmilitar-fue-preso-politico-venezuela/ 12. ¿Quién es Alexander Enrique Granko Arteaga, alias «Barba», identificado por la ONU como el responsable de las casas clandestinas de torturas en Caracas? by Gabriel Bastidas, published on online journal on 21st. September 2022. https://monitoreamos.com/venezuela/quien-es-alexander-enrique-granko-arteaga-alias-barba-identificado-por-la-onu-como-el-responsable-de-las-casas-clandestinas-de-torturas-en-caracas 13. Vallejo confirma visita a Chile de delegación oficial de fiscales de Venezuela por crimen de Ronald Ojeda by Alonso Aranda published in the online versión of newspaper La Tercera on May 27th., 2024. https://www.latercera.com/nacional/noticia/vallejo-confirma-visita-a-chile-de-delegacion-oficial-de-fiscales-de-venezuela-por-crimen-de-ronald-ojeda/MCM3CTCXUFBQRE2FMA7VRPV7AE/#